Thursday, 28 February 2008


For the long wait between updates, but as you know I was sick with Conjunctivitis, and I missed 7 days of school. The homework that I missed out on, which I have to do, has taken up the time usually spent on the computer.

Gotta run,

Thursday, 14 February 2008

Movies to Movies, Brothers to Brothers

Happy Valentine's Day!

Yes, it's the 14th of Feburary, where Valentine's Day always happens. Don't know what to do with your Valentine? Go to the movies is one thing. To watch what movie? Well, based on what the critics say, "Definitely, Maybe" definitely, maybe(=P), has to be the date movie of the year. I can't agree with them because I haven't seen it, and most probably won't unless someone in the family downloads it. This is a Romance/Comedy and is classified PG-13. In Australia, this just came out today, on Valentine's Day. Ryan Reynolds, Isla Fisher, Derek Luke, Abigail Breslin, Elizabeth Banks and Rachel Weisz stars in this Valentine's Day bring-your-valentine-to movie.

Now, the next movie might still be out in cinemas although it has been out for quite a while. It is called, "Atonement", and it is a movie that has been nomnated for 7 Oscars. Quite a number eh? Although it might not be in the typical Romance/Comedy genre - it's classified as Drama/Romance/War, it's still worth a watch! Knowing it's nominated for 7 Oscars should be enough to make you want to watch it, I reckon. I mean, 7 Oscars. Not too bad eh? And oh, Keira Knightley and James McAvoy stars in this one, and fittingly, they both have been nominated for Oscars.

Another show to watch on V-Day is "P.S. I Love You" and according to a few people, it can really make you cry. I'm positive it's still out at the cinemas because of V-Day, but if it's not, rent the DVD as soon as it comes out, cuddle up together on the sofa, and enjoy it! You might have to wait for a while until it appears on DVD though, if you're living in Australia and other countries that have like no piracy at all. This is a Romance/Comedy and is classifed PG-13. It actually came out last year in Australia, on the 26th of December 2007, a day after Christmas. Gerard Butler and Hilary Swank stars.

I have not put "27 Dresses" up there because I've heard that the most attracting thing in the movie is mainly well, the 27 dresses. I don't even know whether they show that many dresses in there. If you're getting married soon, or plan too soon, this might be a good watch to see the variety of dresses and pick out the ones you like in the movie, to use in real life. I've heard it's a pretty okay show to watch, but the ones above are better, and so I reckon too. If you're a big fan of Katherine Heigl, she's in this one just for your information...
(I didn't put the whole cast in as it said on the movie's poster because they basically listed 20 names. For the 3 movies above though, I put up whichever star's name that was on the poster as it wasn't that many.

Have fun on Valentine's Day! Hopefully you do watch one of the above movies. with your valentine.

Yesss! or Nooo!

It's been confirmed that I have Conjunctivitis. First, my oldest brother, Weeli, got it while everyone else except him and Jim were in Australia. Then, he passed it on to Weejim, and he still had it when we came back from Malaysia. Two weeks later, which is how long it takes to pass it on, I got it. Sigh...=[ Who confirmed it? Aunty Lay Ming, my mother's old classmate, I think la, who is a doctor from Malaysia visiting her children in Adelaide, confirmed it over the phone with just one question.

"Did your eye like stick together and feel like it had a lot of dirt when you woke up in the morning?" - Her
"Yup, it did." - Me
|Cue for people reading this to go: "Eeeww. Your eye sticks together? Yuck.|
"Oh, that means you have Conjunctivitis la." - Her
"Oh, ohhhhhhh....." - Me

*Passes the phone back to mum to talk to her about it*

-thought-: "Deng lor...every week also sure got sick want..."
-another thought-: "Eh, wait...then I get to skip school right? Hmmm....."

There, it's good and bad. I'm lucky that I missed Wednesday and going to miss Friday - tomorrow because from Wednesday to Friday, those are the days when school isn't particularly fun. Close to 2 hours of English and 2 hours of Mathematics, with only a 15-20 minute break in between. Thursday - not as bad because of 55 minutes of Soccer and 55 minutes of Music. Double Information Technology is quite boring, and Science isn't all that fun. Besides that, I'm okay with 1 hour and 15 minutes of Home Group on Thursday. Oh, and there's nothing really good on Wednesday and Friday come to think of it. On Wednesday at least I'm saved by 55 minutes of Japanese which isn't bad, and 1 hour and 50 minutes of Japanese on Friday. That's the only good thing on those 2 days. Suck lor...good that I miss them this week though! Hahahaha =]

PS: Conjunctivitis also makes your eye go smaller, for a reason unknown to me, but my left eye is starting to even out with my right eye, which is actually bad if you were wondering, because it means that my left eye is getting it too! Die lor!!! how I know le? Because when I woke up this morning my left eye was half stuck together, although not fully, like my right eye. Heh...=[

The poem that I was supposed to put up the post before didn't go up after I post that post, but now it will be. Watch out for a section called 'Poem' and a poem called 'Secret'. Tell me what you think about it alright? Honesty please? Thanks!

Going back to eye drops and eye sticking,


Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Once, twice, thrice! All in 16 days.

Australia feels really weird. I miss Malaysia quite a lot. I feel Malaysia-sick.
Oh, and I feel physically sick too. I got this infection called Conjunctivitis which affects your eye. It can be passed on, and that's how I got it, from Jim la, haiyo he ar. Sigh.

"Hey, nice hair cut!"

"Hey, nice kuih kapit (or love letters - it's English name)!"

Yes, from the nice hair cut comment I get from people at school, to the nice kuih kapit comment I get from those who are prviliged enough to try one of my finger lickin good kuih kapits. Hey, who can blame me? After all, it's still Chinese New Year right? From Weeli's girlfriend to Pastor Michael Raj, who some people might know from FGA KL's Youth Church, they are loving it. Which is good. Unfortunately though, kuih kapit is something where (quote "To make, very time consuming. To eat, very fast."

I spent 2.5+ hours making kuih kapit's on the small maker we have, where you can only make 2 at once - pretty sad eh?, and now 75% of it is gone already. I just made it yesterday! Of course, I think I ate like 35% of it la you know.

Anyway, I went to that Tourism Penang page, and discovered you were supposed to turn the kuih kapit's over after half a minute. Oh well, I'm still a beginner at it so can't blame me can ya?

I'm going to make more kuih kapit's now so I'll just post this up. I know the wait for more updates is so heart breaking right? Oh well, I can't help it. I've been sick ever since I came back from Malaysia. Sad isn't it? At the airport, I had a bit of a stomach cramp, which I thought was just because of the airport's food, until a like a week after I started getting stomach cramps again. Bad ones too. Then, a week after stomach cramps, I'm here typing away with conjunctivitis. Sigh. Saddening.

Anyway, Valentine's Day is tommorow, and I wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day! Even if you're not doing anything special. Oh, and I think I'll just put a poem up in recognition of Valentine's Day. It's by me. I just suddenly feel so sad inside, and I'm deciding I'm just going to put it up. Happy Valentine's Day to everyone then! For now, I'll go make kuih kapit's. Bye!

Maybe it was all just a big mistake. Maybe. Maybe. Oh, by the way, "Definitely, Maybe" is coming out on Valentine's Day! At least in Australia it is. Why not bring your Valentine to the movies and watch that? Ah, that's an idea isn't it?


Monday, 4 February 2008

First post! Of the second month...

If you can't get something in real life, where do you go?

You play The Sims series!

Wow, January has passed us by already and Febuary has come! It's the month where you get "ang pau" (red packets) courtesy of the Chinese New Year (yay!), florists and other people who sell flowers earn a lot of money courtesy of Valentine's Day, people go out on dates courtesy also of Valentine's Day, Weejim's 19th birthday is happening on the 17th and then Weetyr's (Mine! =D) 14th birthday on the 18th! There are also other people's birthday, but I'm not completely about them. Sorry!

Yes, as you can listen, I have brought MixFM to my blog, although it only has 5 songs at the momeny. Only 3 Chinese songs and 2 English songs make up MixFM, so I'm sorry if you were hoping for a more effective radio station. Oh, in the song "The Whole World Reminds Me Of You" there's a bad word in it. Not my fault want ar...Just ignore it la.

Without you, 10 1/2 months seems like a long time to go...

Oh and if you're reading this, Joshua K, don't ask stupid questions k? Although, I don't know what you asked, and it might not be stupid.

I have to go now, so I won't update anymore. Sorry! That's all for now...
